Blacksmithy Workshop

The former wheelwright and blacksmith workshop of the Egri brothers, which was highly valued in the city, is a rarity today because these two trades have practically died out. The fact is, however, that since the 18th century, blacksmithing and wheelwrights have had a great tradition in Topola. It is known that in the forties of the last century, there were still forty blacksmith workshops in the city. Carts made in Topola were popular throughout the province. Poplar blacksmiths knew the secrets of the craft. Due to the typical iron decorations, one type of cart is called a poplar cart. Today, the interior of the blacksmith-carrier workshop is available to visitors, and a well-preserved, black carriage is also on display.

The building is available to visitors from spring to autumn, and visits are possible throughout the year by appointment.